Seaview is situated in Fionnphort which means "White Port" referring to the splendid sandy bay in front of Seaview. It is the ferry point for Iona & Staffa.

Tor Mor Quarry Near Fionnphort

Half a mile north across the heather is the Tor Mor Quarry which produced unique red granite building blocks. Seaview is constructed of this granite and the superb workmanship of past local stonemasons can be seen on the front face of the house. The stone was popular because it was free of flaws and grain and would take intricate carving as well as a good polish.

Building works that used Fionnphort Granite include Blackfriars Bridge, Holburn Viaduct and the Albert Memorial in London, New York and Liverpool docks, Manchester City Hall and many others.

Looking At Iona Abbey From Fionnphort Beach

Near to the quarry on the Mull side of the sound of Iona is the island of Eilean nam Ban or island of the women. When St. Columba was in charge of Iona he banished the women to this island.

John is able to give you a guided walk to these places and take you by boat to the Eilean nam Ban and show you seals that lie on the rocks close by, weather permitting of course.

Also the Columba Centre in Fionnphort displays the legacy of the beautiful carved stones and crosses which still remain on Iona. Iona, Saint Columba and the Celtic Heritage are themes of this exhibition. Well worth a visit.


Looking Across Eilean nam Ban From Tor Mor Qarry

The view from Seaview looks across the sound of Iona towards Iona Abbey.

The ferry to Iona leaves regularly from Fionnphort for the short 5 minute journey.

Ferry To Iona
Fionnphort In Foreground, Fidden and Erraid Beyond

Seaview is at the center of Fionnphort, located between the Keel Row Pub & Restaurant on the left and the Ferry Shop & Post Office on the right.

To the south of Fionnphort are the sands of Fidden and the Isle of Erraid beyond.


Seaview B&B Ferry Shop & Post Office Keel Row Pub